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Mitchell Veterinary Services Introduces Health Care Plans

By January 16, 2015 Small Animal

We at Mitchell Veterinary Services would like to offer you a Health Care Plan for your kitten, puppy, dog and/or cat.  The purpose of a plan is to provide the preventative care your pet needs while offering significant savings and dividing the cost of services into a more manageable monthly fee.  Pet ownership involves an annual exam with vaccines and wellness tests, in addition to some unforeseen vet visits.  We have designed plans to cover comprehensive preventive care, as well as offer peace of mind.

Health Care Plans allow you to maintain health, prevent disease and detect disease early.

Our Adult Health Care Plans include:


  • Lifestyle-specific vaccines
    • Leukemia vaccination for cats at risk
    • Leptospirosis and Kennel cough vaccination for dogs at risk of exposure
  • Annual intestinal parasite screening
    • Analysis of your pet’s poop sample for any parasites to make sure they are adequately dewormed
  • Annual bloodwork
    • Assesses your pet’s red blood cell count, white blood cell count, sugar level, protein, liver enzymes and kidney values
    • Assesses the thyroid hormone level in senior pets (8 years of age or older)
  • Annual urine testing in senior pets
  • Annual heartworm and Lyme disease testing in dogs

 Best Start Puppy and Kitten Health Care Plans (up to 18 months of age) include:

  • A series of core vaccinations to achieve immunity
    • Boosters at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks of age
    • Includes lifestyle-specific vaccines
  • Two intestinal parasite screenings
    • Testing before and after deworming
    • Also includes giardia testing
  • Three doses of deworming medication
  • A spay (ovariohysterectomy) or neuter (castration)
    • Includes pre-anesthetic bloodwork to ensure healthy organs prior to surgery
    • Includes intravenous fluids and blood pressure monitoring for increased safety under anesthesia
    • Includes post-operative pain medication as we feel it is mandatory that your pet experience minimal discomfort during recovery
  • Immunodeficiency virus screening in cats

 Bells and whistles included in the health plans:

  • Nail trims with every visit
  • Three additional exams during office hours in the event of sickness
  • Allows senior pets to be seen for a physical exam every six months

There is also a dentistry health plan option.  This is an investment in your pet’s dental health and overall well-being.  The cost of a dental cleaning under anesthesia is divided into a monthly plan with a significant savings.

These plans were created to benefit the majority of pets.  Please contact Mitchell Veterinary Services to find out if you may be eligible for a health Care Plan for your pet and to determine which plan would best suit its needs.

 You may also want to view these links:

dog and cat spay (ovariohysterectomy)

dog and cat neuter (castration)

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