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Memorial Photos

We would be honoured to give you the opportunity to create a lasting tribute to your pet on our website. Please feel free to complete the Pet Memorial form.

Mitchell Veterinary Services Pet Memorial


With a broken heart I want to let you know Ying passed away today. My heart aches for him, but I know he’s not hurting anymore. ..Ying was like a person to me. He was filled with such affection and unconditional love . He was a very mischievous little friend. I love him so very much.. he helped me through some very bad times in my life .. I want to honor him.. Ying you were the best ..I will look for you at the rainbow bridge when my time comes .. until then Rest In Peace my beautiful friend. Love Dale

Thank you Dr. Angela for caring for my friend for sixteen years.


On May 20th, 2019 our sweet George crossed over the rainbow bridge surrounded by all his animal friends and the one person who loved him the most. We miss you every day George, I am so grateful that you came into my life. My only regret is that we didn’t meet each other sooner, so that we could have had more time together. Rest easy my sweet boy.

In Loving Memory of Coco
On April 1st,2019, our little dog Coco quietly fell asleep with me(Robin) sitting beside her and a friend lending support and comfort, Coco had sustained serious injuries due to being hit by a vehicle, but had managed to drag herself home to me where she knew she would find help. Coco was well loved in the short 5 months that we had her and by the many others who knew her, she will be sadly missed by Trevor and Robin and the many friends of ours.



Interstate was a shih tzu, she was 16 years old and a wonderful dog, I will always miss her.


Words can’t express how grateful we are to have such caring, compassionate and ethical professionals at Mitchell Veterinary Services.
Meesha was just 6 when diagnosed with diabetes. Despite the sickness she loved her family and her big fur brother Max unconditionally.
We miss her terribly and although quite lost without her, we know her spunky spirit is still around.





Halloween, our duchess, our lady. You ruled us with love from the first day you came into our home. It was a privilege being your people. Having you put to sleep was a very difficult decision but your health was failing at 16 1/2 years old. We miss you every day. Rest in purrfect peace. 1999 – 2016.

Otis graul


Our dog Otis became a part of the Graul family a long 15 years ago. As a family, we had never owned a pet, so having a dog was going to be a new challenge. However, little did we know, in a short period of time he would just become another member of the family. Otis was a cock-a-poo, three quarters cocker spaniel and one quarter poodle, and he fit the mould perfectly for my mother and our family. He hardly shed a hair and in the beginning he did listen to her and stayed off the furniture, but as Otis grew older it became Otis’ furniture. He was very friendly and knew all of our neighbours. Otis liked to follow the scent of his nose and wonder our crescent and would not hesitate to join our neighbours for dinner. As much as he was our dog, a lot of the people that met, dog sat, walked or saw him running through their backyard were also very fond of him. He enjoyed walks through the ballpark, car rides around town, cheese and was never scared when he had to visit the Mitchell Veterinary Clinic for checkups or getting his hair cut. However, he was not in favour of wearing boots for walks in the winter, cats or being bothered while napping which he liked doing a lot. He was a quiet canine who hardly barked and always loved the affection of a pet on the back or rub on the belly, even by a total stranger. He had a big heart and definitely lived up to the reputation of being a family dog and man’s best friend. He will be truly missed by our family and friends and his friendly, loving spirit will never be forgotten.


Kit Kat

Kit Kat

Our special girl, Kit Kat lived 16 years. Kit Kat was a joy and delight in our lives! Kit Kat had a very high intelligence and never ceased to amaze us. When Kit Kat looked into your eyes she looked right thru to your soul.

Kit Kat was 10 years old when she became diabetic. First, we worked with her diet and then a pill. For the last 3 years, Kit Kat was on insulin. In dealing with diabetes, it takes a lot of time, patience and love. When you love your pet you will do anything for them. This is not good-bye…It’s still I love you…Forever”


You no longer greet me,

As I walk through the door.

You’re not there to make me smile,

To make me laugh anymore.

Life seems quiet without you,

You were far more than a pet.

You were a family member, a friend,

….a loving soul I’ll never forget.

It will take time to heal –

For the silence to go away.

I still listen for you,

And miss you every day.

You were such a great companion,

Constant , loyal and true.

My heart will always wear,

the pawprints left by you.



Kee Kee

Kee-kee was a loveable cat. We had her for 14 years. We miss her so much but she’s in a better place that is called heaven, are house isn’t the same without her, we miss Kee Kee snuggling with us and always being there to greet us when we get home. Kee Kee also enjoyed her cat treats 🙂 Hope your in a better place RIP Kee Kee love you always. Also a special thank you to the staff at Mitchell Vets you were all wonderful with Kee Kee and helping us get through this tough time. Thanks From The Baumbach Family




Howie was a Cockapoo. He was a very loving friend. When we would come home from work or school, you were always sure he would meet you at the door with a one of his stuffed toys in his mouth, & when he couldn’t find a toy then someone’s slipper would work. We adopted Howie when he was just about 2 years old. He fit right into our family the first second he walked into the house. He also liked to bunt a soccer ball around the yard with his head, then when the ball got stuck in a place that he couldn’t get it out with his head then he would put both of his front paws on top of the ball & walk it backwards. He was a very smart dog. He would always be right by our sides when we were outside working around the yard. We miss our best friend like no other. We will never forget all the great memories of Howie.
Howie you were a one of a kind dog & your family sure miss & so do all
the neighbours.




When Pat and I first started talking about rescuing a dog we talked about what we were looking for in this companion. Pat wanted a young dog that we could grow with, and I wanted a ‘unique’ dog. We started scouring the adoption website ( and came across Trooper. I was intrigued by the sound of his “Wobble” and Pat came along because he had the black lab look that Pat was hoping for. We met Trooper at his foster family’s house and I fell in love right away. We found out that Trooper had a brain injury that affected his balance and coordination. We took a few days to talk it over, and Pat agreed to give it a shot.

We took him home and he was a perfect fit for our family. He needed help going up and down the stairs into our house, and could only walk a few steps before falling, but he seemed to know that he was lucky to have a home with people who loved him. Trooper was ALWAYS happy. When we first got Trooper we had a few appointments with the vets at Mitchell Vet Services, and they were very patient and understanding of our situation. Being young adults living on our own for the first time we were nervous about if Trooper would need some extensive treatments that we couldn’t afford. The vets in Mitchell were very honest about what could happen, without putting any pressure on us. We agreed that we were willing to love and care for him, and we would give him all that we could.

When he was little I took any opportunity I could to take him out and introduce him to people. We got a lot of mixed responses, some people couldn’t understand why we would want this dog who looked drunk when he stumbled around, but we were head over heels in love (and most people fell in love with him anyways). To be honest, there were some perks, since he had trouble walking we didn’t need to worry about leash walking, putting in a fence, having him run away, or jumping up on anyone. Most importantly he was always happy – Trooper didn’t know any different than his dancing walk. We made the most of it and had a sense of humour about it, we took our times getting places and enjoyed the hours of cuddling Trooper so much enjoyed. When we adopted Trooper in July when he was 3 months old, we understood that we didn’t know what we were getting into, but we agreed just to make the most of each day and roll with the punches. We enjoyed a great summer, fall and beginning of winter to gether. I’ll never forget how Trooper would skip around in the snow, trying to ‘bite’ at the snow and seeming to enjoy the soft cushion to fall into.

Then at the beginning of January in a matter of 2 hours we lost Trooper to a seizure that wouldn’t let up. The Mitchell Vets were extremely supportive, understanding and sympathetic. We could tell that they had all invested a little bit of hope and love in Trooper, and also felt a loss when he left us so suddenly. This was why I think Trooper was always so happy – almost everyone he met had invested some hope and love in his future. We have no regrets, we did all we could for Trooper in those 6 months that we were able to have him. We spent every moment enjoying him, loving him to pieces and feeling lucky to have him in our family.

That night when we got home Pat’s family was there with open arms and we spent the night looking over the multitude of pictures and videos I accumulated. I have found comfort looking over the countless memories we collected. I laughed at the idea that I probably had more pictures and videos from Trooper’s 6 months than some people took of their children!

We began looking at rescuing another dog within days of losing Trooper and found a new puppy about a week or two after our loss. Lillie is a crazy, typical puppy and it makes it even more clear that Trooper was truly and angel who just needed help walking. He had such a big heart, and we feel lucky to have had him for the time that we did. He was an amazing dog, and beautifully encompassed my goal of loving a ‘unique’ dog. We miss Trooper more than we ever thought possible, but smile when we think of the beautiful memories we shared with him.